

A class that combines traditional asanas with the use of the hammock. The hammock will help you to minimize the effect of gravity, reducing stress in joints and spine. Deep stretches and Inversions may be introduced, although options for all levels students will be available during class.


Suitable for beginners looking to explore the Ashtanga Yoga Method developed by the renowned Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in India. The practice involves a structured sequence of postures that link movement with the breath to develop focus, strength, flexibility and balance. Students will be guided through the Ashtanga Primary Series which is taught slowly and progressively, with the teacher providing alignment adjustments and options for different levels.



A slow, powerful Hatha practice focused on connecting the body and the mind with the intention of increasing awareness of the breath and body. It encompasses all eight limbs of Hatha Yoga to provide a complete experience towards reaching Satcitananda (truth, consciousness, bliss). This class includes warm-ups for joint mobility, breath-work for vitality and postures for improving flexibility, strength and balance, interweaved with moments for focus and inner reflection. A gentle class for both beginners and regular students.

KIDS YOGA (45 - 60 MINS)

Children have a natural ability to live joyously in the present moment, this can be maintained through positive nurturing and guidance. By focusing their energy, children acquire helpful tools to regulate themselves. They can learn how to develop a sense of calm through breathwork, gain strength and flexibility in their bodies through asana poses and awareness of themselves and the world around them through meditation. This class integrates storytelling, games, music, the arts and much more into a curriculum that engages the whole child. The focus is to have FUN with yoga: let the children explore their true potential in a positive, creative environment.

Prenatal Pregnancy Yoga (60 MINS)

Designed and paced to meet the needs of mothers-to-be. Pregnancy and motherhood can be demanding on the body, Prenatal Yoga is ideal for women looking to stay in shape whilst preparing their bodies for labour and birth. Expect postures that assist with connecting with the pelvic floor and strengthening key areas of the body to help with easier birth and the physical demands of motherhood. Breathing techniques and relaxation methods are also introduced to help the mind and body consciously relax in preparation of labour and providing an opportunity to connect with your unborn baby, as well as becoming part of a community of other mothers-to-be.


This practice uses breath and movement to stretch and strengthen the body, and to focus the mind. Participants are led through a series of igniting sun salutations before flowing through twisting, balancing, grounding and releasing postures. Each yogi is encouraged to find freedom and celebrate what is unique about his/her body, and classes are designed to be invigorating as well as restorative for the body and the mind.


Vinyasa is characterised by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. . You’ll flow continuously through strong sequences of traditional Sun Salutations and standing postures, linking breath with movement and build strength and endurance as you push the edge of your balance and flexibility. Offering a variety of postures and no two classes are ever alike.


A gentle Yin Yoga class softened by calming candlelight. This practice moves slowly through series of passive poses that release the deep connective tissues in the body which have a tendency to stiffen over time. Students can expect to free up tightness in the hip joint, pelvis and lower back whilst finding deep relaxation and calmness.


Yoga Express is an early morning all level flow. Yoga Express is sure to get your mind and body moving throughout the day. Chest openers and core engaging exercises are a part of this 45 minute express class.This practice will warm the body and fuel the soul for your day!


The yoga wheel is designed to help stretch and release tension and muscular tightness in the back, chest, shoulders, abdomen and hip flexors. Practising with the yoga wheel creates a unique overall opening experience. Suitable for students with some yoga experience looking for new ways to expand their practice. No full inversions are included.