

Take control of your body using the Pilates Reformer equipment to tone the whole body, build strength in your core and connect with your pelvic floor. The reformer equipment can allow for more challenging balancing exercises, resistance training and core strength improvement. Expect weight-bearing low-impact movements and full-body training that eases the mind in a meditative, soothing way. Perfect for injury recovery, Pilates is commonly recommended by orthopedic specialists and doctors, and is commonly used by registered Physiotherapists as part of rehab programmes.



A flow of movement from start to finish that requires connection to core and the deep postural muscles specifically. This active contraction of the pelvic floor has led Pilates to it's highly recognised and recommended status for reversing and preventing back pain. Exploring the angle of bones, muscles and the weight distribution through the science of anatomy. Often we start on the foam roller and proceed to work through all the joints safely, in a variety of strengthening movements, combining the essence and benefits of Nia and Yoga.